Age Equality Survey

As part of my academic studies, I ran a survey during February concerning perceptions of and attitudes concerning age equality, as it relates to the music industry. It also looked at different ages’ listening habits.

I don’t think it was the most scientific study ever, and I’m sure the Radio 4 More or Less team would be able to pick some holes in it, but I think there is at least some indication of the trends.

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A significant proportion of the responses came through posting requests for responses on Lincolnshire musicians’ facebook sites, but there were also responses from further afield. There may therefore be some regional bias affecting the overall response as a result of the survey’s methodology. All responses were anonymous, though, and the survey did not collect geographical information.  Approximately half of participants were music consumers rather than being involved in the music industry to some extent.

A huge thankyou to everyone who took the time to fill out the form, making this a much more interesting and fulfilling project to undertake.

You can view the original survey and read the results via the link below…. (don’t be put off by the length of the document, it’s mainly charts!)


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