Elliott’s Album

Last academic year, we had a visit at college from Elliott Morris, a ‘locally grown’ artist who is up and coming, constantly touring and sharing his blend of folk and pop sounds on a variety of acoustic stringed instruments. His guitar technique on some songs goes in the direction of John Gomm or Newton Faulkner meets Steve Vai, with a folk twist. At other times, it is more understated, with occasional sharply executed riffs thrown in between rhythmic strumming. I’ll admit it, I was jealous… his ability to provide his own percussion using the body of the guitar as a drum made my finger-picking style seem somewhat lame in comparison. This unlikely Michael Jackson cover is the proof…

Elliott got in touch this week to let me know that he is going to be making his first full length album (he’s already made some EPs) which he’s going to be funding via Pledge Music, in order to afford the studio time and getting the resulting music printed to CD, etc. Getting a full album recorded professionally is quite a major undertaking, so if you like what you hear here, please do consider supporting the project and/or checking out one of his upcoming gigs.


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