Indie Greats Twirl by New Element Music is this week’s Playlist of the Week. It’s a few days later than normal… Easter was a bit crazy for me, and then I took a few days off to knit a present for a friend. Something I haven’t done in a very long time! When I say I took the time off, that’s a very loose description, as I’ve been following an online conference at the same time about business skills for indie musicians. There really haven’t been enough hours this week.
Anyway, back to the playlist. It’s a pleasant collection of independent music, with an upbeat, poppy, daytime sensibility. It’s really easy listening, without being easy-listening music, if you get my drift – it’s not demanding to listen to, but isn’t loungey, as it’s light and energetic.
I covered one of New Element Music’s playlists a couple of weeks back, so if you’d like to know more about the playlist curator, Manu Salamanca, have a look at my post on Electronic Kaleidoscope Lounge. I will just underline that Manu has a talent for putting together a great collection of songs that work together.
Duration: 41 songs / 2h 31min at the time of writing.
Rating: PG – one or two songs are flagged explicit – set the filter (via the Spotify app on a mobile device) if this will bother you or you want to play this in front of your kids!