POTW (2019/14): Silent River

This Monday, I’ve selected Silent River for our Playlist of the Week. Mat, the curator, is a member of the band The Mighty Fallen, from Chelmsford in Essex. Several songs are included on the playlist from their 2017 album Artificial Ignorance.

The Mighty Fallen’s music sits somewhere in the rock spectrum, and you can hear that it has been informed by greats like Genesis and Dire Straits. About themselves, The Mighty Fallen say, “We are a band thrown together by blood and friendship unable to contain urges of progressive psychedelic songs for the masses and the unique.”
Watch out for them on the festival scene this summer – I happen to know they are booked for Wild Festival, Revesby, Lincs this coming May bank holiday weekend.

As you might expect, Silent River is a collection of songs with a watery theme running through it. Dive in and let it flood your ears! (Cheesy puns all intended).