POTW (2019/25): Adventures in Space & Time – Unsigned Artists

I recently shared Skyline Tigers’ playlist Making Waves after a long wait. Well, here’s another of hers, to make up for lost time – my choice for this week’s Playlist of the Week is her Adventures in Space and Time – Unsigned Artists collection. It’s great to see that she has a brand new single out, A Space Lullaby with DaveyHub and Nicky Havey, too.

How to describe this playlist? It’s frequently upbeat, but has a spacey feel about it. That’s not too surprising, as most of the songs are space-themed and there are a lot of synths. There are very occasional breaks from the theme, though – Superstar, GJART’s collaboration with Deggsy is a witty skewering of the search for fame, and is the most obvious departure.

A 90s Dance Influence

The mood of this list is a little trippy at times, but rarely heavy. Tracks such as Trip’s 13th Star to the Left convey a clear 90s dance influence, but the playlist also has very current-sounding pieces. There’s even some 60s style psychedelia.

Skyline Tigers hasn’t shied away from including longer tracks, which playlisters sometimes avoid to fit more in. The longest track here is still less than 10 minutes, though, and the average song length under 5 minutes; that leaves plenty of room for a lot of different unsigned artists to contribute.

Down The Wormhole

Standout pieces for me have been Daveyhub’s Prodigy and Chemical Brothers-inspired Terraforming, Bufinjer’s frenetic Down The Wormhole, a dark collaboration between Vandalamp and Craig Manga, Germ 10001, and Amphlux’s EDM piece Mercenary. There are also some lovely chilled out tracks, notably Tuuligan’s Year 4101 at Lagoon Nebula 140616 and 10 Million Days from arcaans the LightProvider.

Overall, the playlist has a good energy level; you could easily cook or clean to it – or drive for that matter. You might not want to study to this one, though: there are tracks with lyrics, and the energy level is probably a bit too frenetic at times. (But feel free to disagree!).

Duration: 3h 51min, 51 songs

Rating: I reckon this one’s a ‘PG’; some of the tracks might be a little bit scary for a very young audience!

Playlist of the Week (2018/6)

This week’s POTW is by GJART, another independent electronic musician, whose influences overlap a little with mine, as he is inspired by such familiar names as the Human League, Kraftwerk and OMD. If you want to check out his music, here’s a fab video he filmed and provided the music for with a wintry theme. You can also hear his tunes on Musicoin.org.

To give a boost to independent artists, GJART’s compiled the GJART loves #1 playlist of electronic music. (He also has a non-electronic playlist, GJART Loves #2 which I think you’ll also enjoy). The #1 playlist has a slightly industrial electronic vibe in keeping with GJART’s own influences, but is pretty chilled with it.