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This week’s been a bit quieter than last, but still pretty hectic.
Saturday: Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse… Struggling to remember words some of the time. Not sure why it’s so hard. What’s going on? Make sure I have one song in my set that is mostly instrumental.
Sunday : Gig at Sonophilia Festival, Lincoln, on their ‘experimental’ stage, “Sono | Sonic”. Lovely audience; I know about half the people here already. Other acts fantastic, glad I’ve managed to get to see them. My part of the gig is OK apart from the new song Death Blinked First, which was a failed experiment this time. Will have to approach it slightly differently to make it work, but there was a positive reaction, anyway.
Monday: Get confirmation that Spotify have got my new track, Death Blinked First, that will come out next Wednesday. That’s good – it means that the new distributor meets the timescales. Migraine starts. Glad it didn’t hit yesterday! Add the new track to BBC Introducing site. There’s a tech issue with the ISRC code* I’ve been issued with for the recording, so I let the distributor know this has happened, in case they’re not already aware there’s a problem.
Tues: BBC Introducing already listened to my track! Hopeful that might mean I get airplay on their Lincolnshire show this weekend. Start animating the skeleton character in the Death Blinked First artwork for an animated GIF. I think I’ll write a separate article about this, as it is a slightly different method of making ‘video’ without a video camera to what I’ve done before.
Weds: Finish animating the skeleton and work on finalising the lyrics video. Uh-oh, the skeleton animation won’t upload to Twitter, where it is intended for, but goes nicely onto the video. Nice! I hadn’t been sure that would actually work… It uploads to Facebook OK. Hmmm, might be the filesize with Twitter. Will have to think about how to sort that. Contact various indie radio stations about the new single.
Thursday: Housework and DIY. Clearing out a drain in my back yard, and some rubble from the garden. Only got the tip of the iceberg of rubble but it’s a start. Sanding down some new plaster that needed smoothing off, plus some woodwork that Dad filled holes in when he visited the other week. Might have to go over the plaster with a thin layer to get it really flat before I eventually paint it. Not sure when I’ll fit that one in!
Friday: Slowish day. Pretty tired and the migraine still hasn’t completely gone away. . Update website with latest videos that I have made. Shrink the skeleton animation to reduce the filesize, and it goes onto Twitter just fine this time. Attend a gig in the evening with the Gruinard Trio and Vacuus Otiosus (hopefully spelled both those right). Suddenly feel really rubbish when I’m home again. Snuggle up listening to the radio (Folk Union on Chelmsford Community Radio – I’m going to be played on there for the first time) and go online to make sure I’m all caught up. Feeling better again for these home comforts… Check my email before I go to sleep and find that the BBC are going to be playing Death Blinked First on their show tomorrow. Hooray, it worked!
*the audio equivalent of an ISBN number for books
It’s been a while since I posted a proper update, so I thought it was about time. January has been busy so far, mainly with publicising the Sleepwalker album. Plus there was a gig in Loughborough on 8th, where I provided the headline act to an open mic session, Cafe Live. I didn’t feel like parts of the gig went all that well, but I am always my own worst critic. It goes with the whole musician territory. People who were in the audience have told me they enjoyed my set, which was about 40-45mins long this time, longer than I am so far used to. I need to get more used to doing longer sets so I chill out more when I’m performing. It’s a strange feeling having so many pairs of eyes looking at you for so long!
I started off with some acoustic numbers with the guitar, including some Suzanne Vega covers – Gypsy and Knight Moves – and then moved on to the electronic tracks, singing and playing percussion or guitar over the backing that I pre-sequenced. There was a mix of album tracks and some I haven’t released, like Beautiful Deadly. Unfortunately we couldn’t project my videos this time, so I have yet to try these out with a live audience, but I’m thinking I’ll share some of the work I did to prepare video snippets for this gig on my youtube channel.
I’ve been continuing to research radio stations, podcasts and programmes that might be interested in my music, as well as blogs and other news outlets. This is quite time-consuming, but is starting to work. My hometown’s newspaper ran an article on me, and I had my first podcast play on Nottingham show the Sunday Alternative this weekend, with the title track to the Sleepwalker album. Do take a listen to the show if you haven’t already, I really enjoyed it. It’s mainly local Notts rock bands, but they slipped in my triphop/chillout track at the end, which was super-nice of them.